Dr Susanne Friz
Dr. Susanne Friz studied German and English at the Universities in Mainz and Munich and obtained an M.A. and a PhD from the Department of English Didactics at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich. In 1991 she joined the Langenscheidt-Longman Publisher as an editor of schoolbooks for teaching the English language in schools. Since 1993 she’s been working for the FWU, as a product manager and pedagogical advisor for films, DVDs, CD-ROMs and New Media. That included the development of the concepts and the production of the media together with studios. Besides that, she’s been project manager in several projects - both national (SEMIS, TooLe, BMOD, Ikonothek) and international (Scalex, EURODELPHES, MELT, ASPECT etc.).