Piet Desmet

Piet Desmet serves as vice-rector of KU Leuven & KU Leuven Kulak Kortrijk Campus.
He is also responsible for Educational Technology and the pilar Going digital, staying
human of the Strategic plan 2021-2025 for KU Leuven.

As a full professor in French & Applied linguistics, he mainly focusses on the broader field
of language & technology, including the use of data science & AI in educational
technology. His recent work focusses on computer-assisted Language Learning (AI-based
chatbots, prediction of linguistic complexity, intelligent feedback on complex learning
tasks), Learning Analytics (effectiveness research, systems for adaptive & personalized
testing and learning) and Language Technology and Multimodal Data-analysis (using also
natural language processing).

He is coordinator of itec, an imec research team of KU Leuven. The research focus of
the team lies in the design, development and evaluation of personalized and adaptive
digital solutions using techniques in advanced statistics, data science & artificial
intelligence. Itec’s primary application domains include education, training and health.

He is also academic director of the imec smart education research program that focuses
on the efficient use of educational technologies. It encompasses the development and
testing of smart technologies (sensors, algorithms, adaptive learning platforms, etc.) that
facilitate interaction and collaboration in the learning process and lay the foundation of
tailor-made learning solutions.