Michel Beerens

Michel Beerens is the head of the NewMedia Centre, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. The NewMedia Centre is the media production and expertise centre for MOOC videos, XR content and other media formats used in education, science and communications. Examples of other formats are animations, infographics, 360-degree videos and tours, podcasts, web applications, 3D models and holographic projections.
In 2019, Michel established the TU Delft Virtual Reality (VR) Zone were students, teachers and scientists are taught how to produce their own virtual and augmented reality content. The VR Zone also produces content on demand for research and educational purposes. In 2021 the NewMedia Centre Media Lab opened its door, a place to experiment with all the latest media technology from projections to virtual productions.
The NewMedia Centre is a team of 24 employees, divided over six different services such as video production, graphic design, live event support, lecture capture, XR development, media experimentation and three do-it-yourself services. The centre gives hands on support to clients such as trainings in scripting and presenting, how to make your own virtual world or podcasting. Please visit us on newmediacentre.tudelft.nl