Alexandre Le Voci Sayad

Alexandre is a journalist, educator and novelist. He works in the Media and Information Literacy field as a researcher, practitioner, advocate and professor for the last 20 years.
He is currently director of ZeitGeist advisory company and international co-chairman of UNESCO MIL Alliance. He is also a board member of the IC4ML (International Council for Media Literacy).Sayad is a columnist for Revista Educação and Canal Futura digital platform, and author of several books in the field.He hosts the TV Show "Idade Mídia” and the FM Radio Show “ABC da Notícia”. He is member of the advisory board of the Educamídia program ( and Palavra Aberta Institute initiative) and of the Brazilian Association of Educommunication. Currently Sayad is a researcher of Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP).