Lina Pranaityte-Wergin
Dr. Lina PranaitytÄ— is a scientific coordinator in a transatlantic interdisciplinary initiative by the Heidelberg School of Education (Germany) and Teachers College, Columbia University (USA) that aims to enhance critical engagement with the media in various educational contexts. In this role she facilitates the conception of a joint online module "Critical Media Literacy", the organization of lecture series and workshops as well as international exchange.
She received her BA and MA degrees in sociology from the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and gained her PhD in social anthropology at the Max Plack Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany). She conducted ethnographic research in Lithuania, Germany and Australia. Her thematic research interests focus on critical heritage studies, botanical gardens, exchange, gifts and inalienation as well as anthropological theories of postsocialism, religion and transculturality.