Tula Verhalle

Tula Verhalle obtained her master's degree in Biomedical Science at KU Leuven in 2017. She started immediately as a teaching assistant in the education of Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven. In this position she contributes too various initiatives to improve the Biomedical Sciences training. She supports and advances various practicals/courses, including developmental biology workshops/practical for third-year BMS students and a biomedical research project for second-year BMS students. Furthermore, she setted up a workshop within the children's university for 8 to 13 year old’s and is involved in the organization of the BMS master's theses, Erasmus selection interviews, alumni in the spotlight, starters days among etc. Tula is an acting member of the POC Biomedical Sciences and ABAP/OP representative in the Faculty of Medicine and the Education Council.
Beside her high-interest in biomedical education in general, she is fascinated to introduce novel and innovative technologies such as virtual reality in the biomedical science programme. In this context, Tula coordinated eager and successfully the creation of the ViSkiLab app by the multidisciplinary ViSkiLab team. In addition to the daily organization, she was intensively involved in writing 2D and 3D scenarios and recording voice-overs, and was one of the main authors in the 360° video.
Tula is a team player, works with great enthusiasm and is highly motivated and eager to learn. She believes in the power of teamwork which showed off in this beautiful project.