Lucie Šťastná
Lucie Šťastná, Ph.D. is researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University in Prague. Her main focus is media literacy and parental mediation. From 2011 to 2014, she worked on various media education projects for schools. In years 2012-2014, she led a research project titled Parents, Children, and Media, which explored parents’ difficulties with parental mediation, and in years 2015-2016, she co-led a national research study mapping media literacy among the Czech population and she was a national expert on European Audiovisual Observatory's Mapping of Media Literacy project. From 2017 to 2018, she was a collaborator of Czech School Inspectorate in the research examining conditions, process, and results of media education at primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. From 2018 to 2020, she led preschool education part of the project “Supporting digital literacy development” at Faculty of Education, Charles University. Since 2021, she has been leading the group of experts focusing on supporting media literacy in the CEDMO project.